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Kindergarten Readiness
Preparing for Kindergarten
- Sits quietly for 10-15 minutes
- Understands cause and effect
- Begins to share with others
- Starts to follow rules
- Recognizes authority
- Begins to control oneself
- Separates from parents
- Recognizes and names colors
- Pays attention to adult-directed tasks
- Speaks understandably
- Talks in complete sentences of five to six words
- Listens to stories without interrupting
- Looks at pictures and then tells stories
- Recognizes rhyming sounds
- Prints his/her first name
- Holds a pencil correctly
- Holds and uses scissors
- Traces basic shapes
- Bounces a ball
- Walks and runs without falling
- Says his/her first and last name
- Manages bathroom needs
- Feeds themselves
- Buttons, zips
- Able to get ready to go without parental help
- Writes scribbles, letters/numbers
- Recognizes letters of the alphabet
- Says the alphabet
- Identifies rhyming words
- Identifies the beginning sounds of some words
- Identifies some alphabet letters
- Recognizes some sight words like "stop"
- Names basic shapes
- Begins recognizing numbers 1-20
- Shows knowledge of times of day
- Sorts similar objects by color, size and shape
- Counts to twenty