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Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement

What is Parent Involvement?
Parent involvement is the commitment of time, energy, and good will to promote success for students by participating in their children’s academic activities. This includes helping with homework, participating in fundraising, chaperoning for field trips, acting as a room parent, tutoring or volunteering to spend time in class or school, and becoming active in Title I activities (if applicable), Shared Decision Making Teams or Parent/Teacher Organization leadership.
Who Benefits from Parent Involvement?
Everyone from students to the entire community! Studies have shown that students of involved parents benefit greatly in several areas in and outside the classroom. One study from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory concludes, “When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more.” Moreover, parent involvement can lead to better communication and relationship building with your children.
You Don’t Have to Be a Parent to Be Involved!
Parent involvement extends far beyond the traditional roles of mom and dad. The term “parent” may include a person such as a grandparent, stepparent, aunt, uncle, older sibling or other person either with whom a child lives or who has been designated as a legal guardian.
Where to Start
There are many tools available to help you stay active and involved in your children’s academic lives. Conduct an internet search for “parent involvement.” Many sites offer free games, flashcards and other helpful materials for parents to assist their children with homework and projects.