### Old Homepage
About San Tan
San Tan Elementary School is a community school in the Higley Unified School District serving kindergarten through sixth grade students. We provide a challenging and supportive learning environment for every student. Our curriculum is rigorous and engaging. San Tan offers music, art, band, library, and computers on a weekly basis. We are a Leader in Me school that promotes the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in all areas of the educational experience. We believe that every student is a leader that will do great things at San Tan and in the community.
San Tan provides students with the opportunity to join clubs and other extra-curricular activities throughout the year. We invite you and your child to join us at San Tan Elementary School where together we are committed to providing a compassionate, safe and supportive learning environment to foster academic excellence for all. We believe in the whole-child.
Our Mission:
Unite · Learn · Lead · Inspire
Our Vision:
San Tan Elementary is committed to uniting students, staff,
and the community to inspire leaders that will contribute in
a competitive and global society.
Safety & Security
Report bullying, threats, drugs, weapons, or anything unsafe by calling 480.279.7233 or by emailing safe.hotline@husd.org. Everyone is responsible for safe and secure schools at HUSD. Click the button below, to learn more or to make a tip.
Principal Spotlight: Ray Mercado
ParentVUE Update
ParentVue is the Higley Unified School District portal to student schedules, student grades and attendance history. It is also used for registration and re-enrollment each year.
Families that need help to access ParentVue, should contact their school offices.
Site Shortcuts
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