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### Old Homepage

About San Tan

San Tan Elementary School is a community school in the Higley Unified School District serving kindergarten through sixth grade students. We provide a challenging and supportive learning environment for every student. Our curriculum is rigorous and engaging.  San Tan offers music, art, band, library, and computers on a weekly basis.  We are a Leader in Me school that promotes the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in all areas of the educational experience.  We believe that every student is a leader that will do great things at San Tan and in the community.

San Tan provides students with the opportunity to join clubs and other extra-curricular activities throughout the year.  We invite you and your child to join us at San Tan Elementary School where together we are committed to providing a compassionate, safe and supportive learning environment to foster academic excellence for all.  We believe in the whole-child.   

Our Mission:
Unite · Learn · Lead · Inspire
Our Vision:
San Tan Elementary is committed to uniting students, staff,
and the community to inspire leaders that will contribute in
a competitive and global society.

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Safety & Security

Report bullying, threats, drugs, weapons, or anything unsafe by calling 480.279.7233 or by emailing Everyone is responsible for safe and secure schools at HUSD. Click the button below, to learn more or to make a tip.

Safe Hotline


ParentVUE Update

ParentVue is the Higley Unified School District portal to student schedules, student grades and attendance history. It is also used for registration and re-enrollment each year.

Families that need help to access ParentVue, should contact their school offices.

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