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Dual Language Immersion Program - Spanish

Student Reading
Program Structure

Our program is a 50/50 teaching model.  Each day students will be taught by an English teacher and Spanish teacher .   There are two sections per grade level with a maximum of 25 students per section.  Students will spend approximately half day with each teacher.
San Tan Teachers teach AZ World Language Standards using the ACTFL  and AZ State Content Standards with our curriculum. 
Entrance Requirements:
  • The program is first come, first serve in order to secure staff.  There is a priority Tier Enrollment for Sossaman Preschool DLI students, siblings, and staff.  
  • K-2 is open registration.  No language experience in Spanish necessary.  We will review academic records with new families of second grade students to determine if placement is appropriate.  
  • 3rd Grade and higher will be administered a screening assessment to determine if placement is appropriate.  
When can I register?
San Tan will post on our website as soon as we open for enrollment for the 2022-2023 academic year.  
Quote from Principal Mercado
“It is important for children to learn a second language early in their education because research shows that bilingualism supports higher academic achievement, greater self-efficacy, increased linguistic awareness, higher scores on SAT and ACT, and improved cognitive development and problem solving abilities,” Mr. Mercado said.

“If your child can speak Spanish fluently, he or she will be more marketable in the future. According to, bilingual pay differentials range between 5 percent and 20 percent per hour more than the position’s base rate,” Mr. Mercado said.
Additional Information
San Tan Elementary is recognized as a Lighthouse Leader in Me School.   Students utilize “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Click to learn more about what Leader in Me is all about, LIM
Dual Language Immersion Tours

Due to COVID-19, tours will be suspended until further notice.